Jolee Of Trebons Berger Blanc.

European Dog Show 2023. 

Jolee of Trebons Berger Blanc placed at EDS 2023 Best veteran in breed and BIS veteran. 9 years old and still in top shape and loves to show off especially in the Ring og Honor.

Jolee Of Trebons Berger Blanc (Gucci Of Trebons Berger Blanc- MCH Sirius Black de Noble Linaje) 

Born: 22.05.14. Weight: 26 kg. Hight: 59 cm.


Dansk Champion og International Champion 

Mentaltested in DKK

Obedience test beginner B

Traffic test August 18th 2017

Obedience test beginner AB November 18th 2018

Breed winner DKK 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018







Several BOB and BOS results

3. Bedste tæve NORDV15

DKK Kreds 1 BIG og BIS 2  2016

3´rd best bitch in open class EDS 2016.


HD: A  AD: 0

MDR 1 +/+ DM n/n (tested by LABOKLIN aproved by the danish kennel club)


Jolee is a breed typically feminine bitch of a high standard, as demonstrated by the many outstanding results she already has achieved during her youth. She is  well angulated with great balance and a wonderful temperament. She is very loving and devoted to her family, and good with other animals and benevolent also with strangers. She is a very intelligent dog, a dog who does not need to be educated as she is very obedient. Jolee can seems like she is quite insulted if we directed her.


She has a great drive and moves with pretty efficient and breed typical movements from all sides and she is good at exploiting her energy so that she can work a whole day without getting tired. Here we have a bitch where the breeder has succeeded 100% in the goal to breed typical dogs of high quality. Thank you for trusting us this outstanding dog, Ulla Warden.

Jolee Of Trebons Berger Blanc (Gucci Of Trebons Berger Blanc - MCH Sirius Black de Noble Linaje)

Født: 22.05.14. Vægt: 26 kg. Højde: 59 cm.


Danish- and International Champion

Mentalbeskrevet i DKK

Begynder B prøve i Schæferhundeklubben

Færdselsprøve 11/8-2017

Begynder AB prøve 18/11-2018

DKK Racevinder 2015, 2016 2017 og 2018







Adskillige BIR og BIM Resultater

3. Bedste tæve NORDV15

DKK Kreds 1 BIG og BIS 2  2016

3. BTK åben klasse EDS 2016


HD: A  AD: 0

MDR 1 +/+ DM n/n (Testet ved LABOKLIN der er anerkendt og godkendt af DKK)


Jolee er en racetypisk feminin tæve af høj standard, hvilket også ses af de resultater hun allerede har opnået. Velvinklet og fantastisk balance med et herligt temperament. Hun er meget kærlig og hengiven overfor sin familie, og god sammen med andre dyr, og venligsindet også overfor fremmede. Hun er en meget intelligent hund, en hund man ikke behøver at opdrage da hun er meget lydig. Jolee kan se helt fornærmet ud hvis der bliver rettet på hende.


 Hun har et fantastisk drive og bevæger sig med smukke effektive racetypiske bevægelser, og er god til at udnytte sin energi så hun kan arbejde en hel dag uden at blive træt. Her er tale om en tæve hvor opdrætter er lykkedes 100 % i målet på at opdrætte racetypiske hunde af høj kvalitet. Tak fordi du har turde overlade os denne fremragende hund, Ulla Warden.

July 7th. and 8th. 2023 - IDS Sandefjord Norway

Jolee OTBB New Norwegian Veteran Winner  -  Veteran Nordic Winner


International Dog Show Bornholm


Jun. 24th. 2023.

Jolee OTBB BOBV BIS 4 veteran

Hammerhus veteran winner


Jun. 25th. 2023 


Bornholm veteran winner



Oktober 12th 2018


Photos taken at Euro Dog Show, Poland by the best dog photographer: Martina Trávníčková

September 19th 2018.


Jolee is back in the show ring and in good shape after leave from her 9 puppies.

At the community between Special clubs show she won BIS and also Supreme BIS.


Jolee er tilbage i showringen efter fortjent pause fra de 9 hvalpe. Ved fællesudstilling mellem specielklubber blev hun BIS og vandt til sidst Supreme Best In Show.

 Jolee is very obedient and active with different kind of training, here at C-work.

23/7-2017. Jolee OTBB.

Visit at Kennel Trebons Berger Blanc on a rainy day where we met our good friend and photographer Martina Trávníčková, CZ who took a couple photos of our dogs.